Wednesday, July 3, 2013

SkinFood Rose Essence Lip Balm review + swatch

Before I start writing, I must bring your attention to this song that I am currently obsessed with: Still Into You - Paramore. They recently released the video for this but some reason I love this live version a lot more!! It makes it seem more them and less sell-out like to me, also the guitar accompaniment is actually pretty amazing and you can't hear it as well in the recorded track.

EDIT: This is a draft from end of April and I'm still in love with the song :D

Now for the SkinFood Rose Essence Lip Balm. This comes in two different versions: #1 (untinted) and #2 (tinted). It comes in a nice and sleek metal tin so it goes along with SkinFood's usual awesome packaging. I was going to do a swatch but found this great picture, so this is what they look like:
They seem both seem to provide the same level of moisturizer for your lips so the main difference is that one is tinted. They seem to keep lips moisturized for about an hour so it is not long-lasting. The smell was nice, very similar to real roses but it goes away after you apply it and the balm doesn't taste like roses either. In the summer however, #1 seemed to show up as that milky pink colour so I stopped using it and used #2 instead. My only issue with #2 is that it's a bit too pink for my skin tone so it can make it look like I just ate a red popsicle!

I got #1 off of ebay for about $7 I think and #2 was a gift from my aunt when she came back from Hong Kong. It's probably a bit too pricey for just a lip balm, but I like the rose smell and the fact that #2 provides a bit of colour, so when I am done, I will probably buy #2 again just because it has dual purposes.

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